Brette Stamper
Brette Stamper


Crossfit Level 1 Trainer – 2016 5th fittest female LEO Central East Region – 2018.

Level 1 Coach

Brette Stamper

I played High School Basketball and Soccer. My CrossFit journey started in 2014 when I wanted to lose some weight and get back into shape for the police academy. It quickly developed into a love for true fitness, community, and competition. I have goals of competing in the sport of CrossFit. I want to really push myself, and see what my full potential really is. I also want to stay functional, and healthy for all the days of my life.

My partner Quinten is a Firefighter and I’m a police officer. Together we have one kitty, named Lil B, who we love lots. Nutrition has definitely been the biggest struggle of my fitness journey. I’m an absolute food junkie (especially sweets). I’m hoping to turn that around though. I’m studying Nutrition to become a Macro Coach. I love binge watching my favorite shows on Netflix, which include The Office, Greys Anatomy, and SVU.

I love helping people accomplish their goals. Nothing is more rewarding that when you see something click with a client; their joy, their enthusiasm…it’s magic. Anyone can do CrossFit. It is infinitely scalable and is made to help the masses combat chronic diseases. I recommend everyone Crossfit; from kids to people in their 80’s. Just try it. Everyone started as a beginner, and everyone in the gym is excited to see new faces! The community is so encouraging, and you won’t regret having tried it!